I forgot to add this in with the rest of my updates, so I'm going to mention this in a seperate post. AOL should be a name that most of us have heard of. They recently set up Seed , which to quote from their About Us page "assigns, buys and distributes work for all of AOL's properties: more than 80 of the Web's most highly trafficked and respected websites, including the world's leading sites for music, style, TV, tech and more." Most of the article requests from Seed are paying around 30 USD for a word range of 400-500 words, although I have seen some that are paying a few hundred USD. That certainly looks attractive. Two points to take note of though. 1.Quite a number of the members on the writers' forums I visit have raised concerns about Seed. OF course, it may turn out that there's nothing to be worried about, and so far, Seed has not done anything to worry me, but it's still something to keep in mind. 2. Seed only pays US residents. Which unf...