Just published an article about Bukisa at Triond. Bukisa is a new writing site which came out in late 2008. Currently the site itself has less than stellar English and apparently doesn't care about the quality of published content itself, so long as said content has a word count of at least 250 words and is in English. This has resulted in stuff like "(body of article)get paid to write get paid to write get paid to write...." and poems that keep repeating themselves. I'm guessing that the word count stipulation is for them to ensure that they get higher PPC (pay per click) ads based on keyword targeting, and not to ensure the quality of an article.
That's just a guess though, and I'm not about to go around spreading this theory of mine. They already have enough going against them without me adding to it, lol.
I also found the site itself too liberal with the use of words like "exciting", "revolutionary", "innovative" for my taste. There's nothing "revolutionary" about their revenue sharing system. It's a 3-tier referral scheme. There's nothing "innovative" about the "Bukisa index". It's just what everyone else in the industry calls PPI (pay per impression) which they instead call "the Bukisa index" . It would be like you stepping into a hotel and being introduced to their "innovative luggage transport system" which consists of a bellhop taking your luggage up. They sound like one of those scam sites "with an exciting chance to get a free iPod". As far as I can tell they're not a scam site (at least not yet). Why are they sounding like one then?
About the only thing that I can see going for them is that they are new, and things may get better.
Here's the link to my article, which takes a look at their payment scheme in more detail. I focused more on numbers in the article, and explained why payment-wise, things won't get better at Bukisa. Let's hope other aspects, like quality control, does though.
That's just a guess though, and I'm not about to go around spreading this theory of mine. They already have enough going against them without me adding to it, lol.
I also found the site itself too liberal with the use of words like "exciting", "revolutionary", "innovative" for my taste. There's nothing "revolutionary" about their revenue sharing system. It's a 3-tier referral scheme. There's nothing "innovative" about the "Bukisa index". It's just what everyone else in the industry calls PPI (pay per impression) which they instead call "the Bukisa index" . It would be like you stepping into a hotel and being introduced to their "innovative luggage transport system" which consists of a bellhop taking your luggage up. They sound like one of those scam sites "with an exciting chance to get a free iPod". As far as I can tell they're not a scam site (at least not yet). Why are they sounding like one then?
About the only thing that I can see going for them is that they are new, and things may get better.
Here's the link to my article, which takes a look at their payment scheme in more detail. I focused more on numbers in the article, and explained why payment-wise, things won't get better at Bukisa. Let's hope other aspects, like quality control, does though.